Express training | Two days

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  • Regular price 350.00€
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Did you just get a new adventure or dual-sport bike and can't wait to hit the TET, the ACT, or any other event or known track around your area?

The Express training is for you!

In our Express training, we have compressed almost six days of training into two, so you can be ready to hit the trails faster.

Because it is physically impossible to teach 48 hours of techniques, tricks, and tips in 16 hours, this training follows an exceptionally unique schedule.


We will cover the basics such as:

  • Triangular position
  • Emergency braking
  • Cornering
  • Hills

While explaining to you:

  • The safety envelope this training will provide
  • Clear instructions on what you can practice on your own afterward to continue improving
  • Basic principles of more advanced maneuvers so you are aware of what lies ahead


With a clear understanding of basic techniques and what will be needed to evolve, you will know exactly what you understand and what you don't, giving you a bigger safety net to start your off-road adventures.

As we are condensing a considerable amount of information into only two days, this training is one of the most physically intense in our curriculum, with a much higher class cadence than usual.

However, you don't need to be super fit or an athlete to complete our Express training successfully; anyone can do it. That being said, be prepared for two high-intensity days with few rest stops and a great deal of information delivered.

To achieve our training goals, you will have less time to practice per exercise, and activities like ergonomic adjustments will be skipped, although they will be taught and discussed.

If you are eager to start riding and don't want to lose a second of off-road fun or any part of the teaching that will help you reach your goals, then this training is exactly what you've been searching for!

Regarding tires, we strongly recommend a 50-50 tire, with no need for serious knobbies.

Our Express training includes two full training days from 09:00 to 16:00 at our Enduro Camp facility in the Alentejo.

The value includes:

  • Two lunches
  • Water and snacks during the class
  • Experienced and certified Enduro instructor

Our class does NOT include:

  • Sleeping arrangements, although we can recommend a hotel we work with
  • Gasoline
  • Dinner and breakfast, which can be provided by the hotel as part of their service
  • Bike rentals. We do not rent or arrange bikes for training at this point.
  • Personal accident insurance for the training days


As with all our training, if you have any questions you would like answered before booking, send us an e-mail, and we will be more than happy to help!


This training is suited for Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 types of terrain.

Verify the classes of terrains and rider rating system for more information.


As long as the weather allows, we work year-round and to make it easier, we have one scheduled group class per month.

It is also possible to open a new date on request. Dates requested outside our regular calendar will always be subject to a higher fee than regular scheduled trainings, which does not guarantee a private class.

Group classes usually accommodate up to 6 riders. If you have your own group of more than 6, please get in touch.

Check our available dates, and if there are no available dates when you want or need them, contact us.


There is nothing worse than attending a class to learn something, only to realize you and your instructor cannot understand each other. We know this from experience, both as instructors and students.

With this in mind, we decided to stick to what we know best, so our classes are conducted in both Portuguese and/or English.


Everything has rules, and our training sessions and tours are no different. Let's go over what you need to know to attend this training.

You will need:

  • At least a 50-50 tire, designated as such by its respective manufacturer (recommended)
  • An integral helmet that is not modular
  • Protective gloves
  • A suit or assorted protective gear capable of protecting your back, upper, and lower limbs
  • Mid-calf or full-calf boots, preferably off-road biased

If you have any doubts about the gear or tires, let us know before you sign up for the class. Our instructors and guides have the right to refuse your participation in any of our activities, without reimbursement, if you do not present yourself with the minimum required safety gear.

Regarding gasoline, it is important to know that our Enduro Camp is 15 minutes away from the closest gas station, and we do not store extra gasoline at the camp.

This means that it is your responsibility to arrive with a full tank, or enough for at least 100 km (60 miles) before the start of any activity.

The minimum quantity of fuel may vary depending on the activity, but it will always be disclosed to you beforehand.

Even though we strive to be flexible, due to the distance from the gas station, and out of respect for the instructors and other participants, we generally cannot delay the start of any activity due to a participant's lack of fuel. Additionally, there is no guarantee that any staff member will be available to escort you to the fuel station.

So, get your bike fueled up, get your gear on, and come enjoy this incredible training!

Payment, cancelation, and refunds:

Following you will find the specific rules of this training, being that any omission, will be covered by the general refund policy.

Reservations are only possible with full payment.

Full payment must be completed within at least 7 days before the beginning of the training. No training will happen without full payment, nor will we accept payments in cash at the training site.

Payment Delay: If payment is not fulfilled until then, BN ceases to secure your place and reserves the right to cancel your reservation.

Cancellation of the training by BN:
 If BN cancels the training; all participants will be reimbursed with the full amount paid until the moment of cancelation.

BN can cancel any training up to 10 days before the beginning date in case of an insufficient number of participants. In this case, the participant will be immediately notified, and his payments will be fully refunded, which constitutes a full settlement.

Withdrawal notice from the participant is received more than 10 days before the training: the participant must pay 100 Euros as a cancellation fee.

Withdrawal notice from the participant is received between 10 and 3 days before the training: The participant must pay 50% of the full payment, as a cancellation fee.

Withdrawal notice from the participant less than 3 days before the training: If the withdrawal takes place within 3 days before the training date, BN shall not return any payments and the customer must pay the full amount of the training. 

One and-one-only rescheduled date will be given to any client that withdraws themselves from an already paid training date, before cancelation fees are applied. Any rescheduled date must be within 6 months of the original training date, as that is the validity of the training since the date of purchase.

BN reserves the right to cancel or stop any training if for any reason the safety or comfort of the participants is not guaranteed, including force majeure such as riots, floods, earthquakes, etc. In case of cancelation for safety or comfort issues, no refund will be available, but BN will propose one, and one alone alternative date to complete the remaining of the training. BN will not be liable for any hotels or any other kind of expenses a safety cancelation may force.

We recommend subscribing to travel insurance that covers the costs of a possible cancellation of any training/tour.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 20 reviews
    Miguel Reis

    Depois de muitos anos longe das duas rodas, ao voltar quis ajuda profissional, e não podia estar mais contente com a escolha que fiz! Corrigi erros, aprendi muita coisa nova, e aprendi muito que não fazia sequer ideia que precisava saber, mas que agora, nunca mais quero esquecer. Excelente trabalho, muitos parabéns!

    Mário Carriço
    Excelente experiência. A repetir

    O Express training não é apenas um curso de conceitos e skills básicos de condução de mota. É uma experiência fantástica, adaptada aos conhecimentos e objetivos de cada participante, com um instrutor altamente qualificado e muito orientado para os seus clientes. Recomendo vivamente como curso inicial e também como reciclagem de conhecimentos pois há sempre espaço para aperfeiçoar e o Zé Duarte consegue transmitir de forma fácil e agradável esse conhecimento. Para o ano estamos lá outra vez

    Rui Mausinho
    Sem dúvidas, um ótimo investimento!

    Com pouca informação de como deveria ser um curso de inicialização ao OffRoad, e apenas com algumas expectativas, decidir seguir viagem até à Barragem de Campilhas. Foi a melhor decisão que poderei ter tomado. Em 2 dias de treino é impressionante o que o formador consegue transmitir a nivel de conhecimento e o ponto de confiança que se consegue alcançar em cima da mota em terrenos de OffRoad. Foram transmitidos muitos conhecimentos teóricos sobre funcionamento da moto, acima de tudo sobre o bom posicionamento do corpo na mesma e como tudo isso tem influência na condução. Foram realizados bastantes exercícios desde os mais simples até alguns que começam a ter alguma complexidade ao início, que ao final do dia se tornam fáceis. Uma experiência que recomendo a qualquer um e fica para repetir para um nível seguinte de treino.
    Um obrigado ao formador Zé Duarte!

    Ricardo Alves
    Treino espetacular

    O Treino foi-me oferecido, mas foi a melhor prenda que alguma vez podia ter recebido no que a motas diz respeito. O Zé consegue explicar as técnicas de forma super directa, simples e consegue desbloquear rapidamente todos e quaisquer bloqueios que tenhamos por forma a conseguirmos rapidamente ultrapassar os obstáculos, quer físicos quer mentais.
    Sem dúvida uma experiência que recomendo para todos os que se querem aventurar fora de estrada pois desenvolve um nivel de conhecimento e confiança fora de série.
    Próxima visita será para um treino mais avançado pois agora fiquei com vontade e conhecimento para me aventurar por esse mundo fora.
    OBRIGADO Zé Duarte

    José Santos
    Excelente formação "OffRoad" / Excelente investimento

    Foi a melhor formação offroad que já realizei!!
    Foi o melhor investimento em formação que já realizei!!

    Após ter realizado este treino há mais de um mês, e de já ter efectuado alguns passeios de estrada, a diferença e confiança na condução é enorme.
    Dois dias de formação onde aprendi a melhorar a relação mota/piloto de forma a se tornar uma só, essencial para o sucesso em offroad, bem como em estrada.
    A paixão e a forma que o instructor Zé Duarte coloca durante todo o treino, é uma mais valia tremenda, pois transmite-nos uma confiança e conhecimentos impares.
    Recomendo para quem quer desfrutar o meio offroad com mais confiança, e mais diversão, bem como para quem quer melhorar o seu desempenho em estrada.
    Irei voltar para realizar novas formações mais avançadas.

    Muito obrigado Zé Duarte.

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